The NEW online programme to help teenagers and young adults stop bedwetting faster.
Hi - thanks for joining me here.
Solving a bedwetting problem isn’t easy - especially if you’re a teenager and still haven’t got dry at night. My name’s Alicia Eaton and I’m a Behaviour Change Therapist based in London’s Harley Street - the world’s centre of medical excellence.
I’m also the author of the best-selling book ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’, recommended by NHS hospital clinics, doctors and paediatricians all around the world. First published in 2009, thousands of children and teenagers have now solved their problem using my methods.
With over 20 years’ experience helping families, I’ve figured out what works – and what doesn’t. I also understand the challenges of being a bit older and still having your childhood bedwetting problem bother you.
I also know it’s not possible for everyone to come and visit me personally in London - and that’s why I’ve created my new online programme for teenagers.
‘My Dry Bed’ will give you the same expert behaviour change therapy that I use to solve problems face-to-face in my consulting room.
You’ll now be able to benefit in the same way, from the comfort of your own home, whatever time of the day suits you.
Take a closer look - you’re just one step away from solving this for good!
The MyDryBed™ programme is a 28-day online course using the latest Behaviour Change psychology to help you stop bedwetting for good.
Divided into three levels with short video episodes of around 10-15 minutes, it’s quick and easy to follow.
Online learning means changing a habit can be done in the privacy of the bedroom.
The MyDryBed™ online programme works on three levels.
Once you’re a teenager, it’s unlikely there’s one single cause of your bedwetting, so I like to tackle it in a number of different ways.
Lifestyle Advice
Discover the practical steps and healthy changes I recommend for the best possible chance of success. Parents and care-givers will find this section helpful too.
You’ll learn about:
the different types of enuresis
when to seek medical advice
which food and drinks to avoid
which ones to have more of
how to keep a check on toilet habits
the best sleep environment
how to get a better night’s sleep
Downloadable resources include: a Food & Drinks Guide plus Diary, a Toilet Guide, and a Journal to help keep you on track.
Emotional Support
Bedwetting problems create emotional challenges too so these episodes are like having a personal face-to-face therapy session with me in London.
In this section you’ll:
Learn how to use the Psycho-Sensory therapy ‘Tapping Technique.’
Experience the benefits of guided meditations and mindfulness.
Deal with feelings of embarrassment, failure and humiliation.
See anxiety and worry melt away.
Develop a calmer, happier mind.
Feel more positive, confident and motivated.
Experience more restful sleep.
Behaviour Change
Anything that you do over and over again, becomes a habit and habits get imprinted on the subconscious mind, so they’re hard to erase.
In this section you’ll:
Learn how Behaviour Change Psychology principles work.
Use unique Visualisation Techniques to speed up success.
Develop new neural pathways to improve communication between the brain and bladder.
Eliminate spontaneous bedwetting accidents.
Programme your mind to wake up at night time.
Experience deeper hypnosis that works directly on the subconscious mind.
And there’s more:
I know it’s not easy buying things online - what if you don’t like it and want to change your mind? So, to help you, I’m giving everyone 48 hours to take a good look around the inside of this course, listen to my voice and see if we’re going to get along. Any longer than that and I’ll have to assume you’ve got stuck in!
Once you’ve purchased your programme, you’ll be eligible to join me in my private Facebook ‘Stop Bedwetting for Good’. Here you’ll be able to chat to parents and teenagers who are going through the same as you. I’m in the Group most days, so I can help keep you on track and answer your questions too.
Your mind plays a part in everything that you do - how you think, feel and act.
With a healthy mind, you are happier and physically healthier.
How to use this programme:
Let’s be honest here - this is not a Netflix boxset to be binge-watched.
I know it’s tempting to rush through to see how the story ends, but it’s not going to speed your progress up. The daily listening to my words and the positive suggestions I give you, will change your mindset, relieve anxiety, improve sleep and reprogram your subconscious mind with a new pattern of behaviour.
Your mind plays a big part in controlling your bladder - you already know this. You see it in action every day! So it’s important we make changes here. Remember - you’ve had this problem for many years, so taking a few weeks to ensure a better outcome will be worth it.
Even though most of the episodes are videos, it’s possible to get the same benefit just by listening to them, so you can do this as you travel on the bus or train too.
“I have found Alicia’s Stop Bedwetting programmes to be clear and effective. I recommend them to a number of my patients who feel it’s very useful.
Dr Anne Wright - Lead Consultant, Children’s Bladder Clinic, St Thomas’s NHS Hospital, London
“This has been like magic for us. My son is feeling proud and the prospect of sleepovers and school residential trips are a possibility now.”
Alan Mitchell - Dad in Edinburgh
“My 14-year old boy started this programme and he’s had a run of 20 dry nights. This has worked better than anything else we’ve tried.”
Christina - Mum in Los Angeles
“I have used Alicia’s programme with a number of patients and thoroughly recommend it. This is a safe and very effective method of treating this embarrassing problem.”
Dr Jo Waddell - General Practitioner
If your bedwetting problem has come on suddenly and it’s unusual for you, then it is a good idea to speak to your doctor in the initial instance. Likewise, if you’ve had this problem from childhood but have never spoken to a doctor about it, we’d recommend that too.
It is possible that some foods and drinks are triggering your night time bedwetting and you’ll learn more about these in one of the episodes in the course.
The guided meditations and hypnosis tracks that are a part of this programme will help to correct your sleep patterns.
Many teenagers are taking a variety of medications such as Desmopressin, Oxybutynin or Imipramine. Whilst these may be helpful for short periods of time, and a good solution for a sleepover with friends or a school/college residential trip, they rarely fix the problem completely. The ‘MyDryBed’ programme is ideal to help you stop taking medications and develop better bladder control at night-time. So if you are currently taking medication, it’s not a problem. Start following the course first and it will give you the confidence to reduce and then stop your medication.
It will be better for you to stop wearing these, as your body is more likely to detect the feeling of wetness without them - and waking up will be easier. However, rather than going ‘cold turkey’ and having lots of accidents, I recommend following the programme for at least 3 weeks, before doing this.
‘MyDryBed’ is designed to help you change the habit of bedwetting. Behaviours that are repeated over a period of time, become imprinted on the subconscious mind, which is why your body does it automatically when you sleep. The course consists of tried and test psychological techniques that will help you to override the programming in your mind.
Around 28 days. There are 24 episodes in the course and it’s possible to speed things up a bit and watch more than one episode in a day – but it’s also possible to slow things down and take it a bit slower. Ideally you’ll take 3-5 weeks for this process.
Once you’ve registered as a student, you’ll have lifetime access to it. The course content is pre-recorded which means you can access the videos anytime, anywhere. Most videos last 5-15 minutes so you can fit them around your daily routine. A couple of videos are slightly longer at around 20 minutes.
The course content has been designed and created by Alicia Eaton and so the exercises are unique to her programme. All content is copyrighted and trademarked.
To create this course she used her knowledge, training and experience in the following methods:
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) exercises will help to reframe the problem for you and work on your feelings of self-belief.
EFT / TFT Tapping Technique will take away your feelings of anxiety and improve the quality of your sleep.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Visualisation Exercises will enhance mind/body communication, helping you to recognise signals from the bladder. These are the kind of techniques that sports people and athletes use to improve their body's performance, so we know this works.
Hypnosis, Guided Meditation & Mindfulness audio tracks will help you to feel more relaxed, positive and confident. The specially recorded words will also make changes to the bedwetting habit that has become imprinted on the subconscious mind. With a calmer mind, your body is also more likely to fall into the correct sleep cycle, reducing the likelihood of a bedwetting accident.