I'm Alicia and I want to help you gain a better quality of life.
Alicia is regularly featured in the press
Behaviour Change Therapist
“I didn’t choose to have bedwetting as one of my specialist subjects but bedwetting has for some reason, most definitely chosen me. I have learned to ‘love my fate’ and wonder where it will take me.
When I updated my best-selling book ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’ with a 10-year anniversary edition back in 2019, I thought that would be the end of the story. But over the years, I have been asked time and again, to produce a programme to help teenagers and so it became clear that another chapter was needed. ‘MyDryBed’ is the result.
I wish to thank the many teenagers who have shared their stories with me over the years - including those teenagers from all across Africa who, along with the many health professionals from that part of the world, belong to my private Facebook group and talk to me every day. I will remember our conversations.
I recognise I’ve had many unique experiences in my education and training - too much for one person to keep to themselves as a secret, which is why I’ve written and produced so much over the years.
My good fortune started with my Montessori training in Hampstead, London - in the very house where Dr Montessori set up her training college. And a few years later, I was to find myself working and studying at the Anna Freud Centre - again in Hampstead - and again, in the same house where she lived and set up the renowned War Nurseries.
I was able to absorb first-hand, the deep understanding and intuitiveness both these women had for children’s development and these lessons have stayed with me throughout.
After training as a psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist I trained in Neuro-linguistic Programming - again, in the company of one of the greats - Paul McKenna, the world famous hypnotist. I feel incredibly lucky to have started working in this field nearly 20 years ago and to have been part of a small team of practitioners who worked closely with Paul here in London. Such an incredible opportunity - we had the freedom to explore, experiment, push boundaries, innovate, and hypnotise each other for hours on end with a lot of fun in the process. This was a particularly creative time and it is here that my ideas for solving bedwetting problems in children started. I feel privileged to have been able to make my own small contribution. I will always credit Paul McKenna for changing my life (it was a bit messy, to be honest) so that I could go on and change the lives of so many others.”
“I know that teenagers who struggle with a bedwetting problem develop enormous amounts of resilience, ingenuity and courage to navigate the many challenges they face each day.
This makes them highly resourceful, creative and special individuals who are just one step away from achieving great things in their life - that’s why I enjoy working with them so much.”
About Alicia
Originally a Montessori Teacher, having been trained at the Maria Montessori Institute (AMI) in London, Alicia set up and ran her own School for five years. Following this, she was invited to work at the Anna Freud Centre also in London, supporting families with young children. She stayed on to further her studies on their MSc Developmental Psychology programme (University College London). In 2003 she trained as an Integrative Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist and this was followed by NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) training with Paul McKenna. She continued to assist him with his renowned changework seminars for over 7 years.
Alicia has run a successful practice in London’s Harley Street for nearly 20 years with a particular interest in ‘behaviour change’, helping both adults and children change unwanted habits and behaviours, overcome anxiety and improve their emotional wellbeing.
She has continued to update her skills and knowledge with specialist training in psycho-sensory therapies: TFT Thought Field Therapy and Havening Techniques. She is also qualified to teach Mindfulness having trained at Oxford University’s Mindfulness Centre.
She’s the author of four best-selling books. Most notably, ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’ has been a best-seller since 2009 and is regularly recommended by NHS clinics in the UK and paediatricians and hospitals around the world, including Guy’s & St. Thomas’s in London and Spaarne Gasthuis in Amsterdam.
Alicia became known for her psychology-based practical parenting advice with her book ‘Words that Work: How to get kids to do almost anything’.
Her latest book ‘First Aid for your Child’s Mind’ has also become a global best-seller with foreign rights sold to publishers in Germany, Greece, Hungary, UAE, Vietnam, and China (both Simplified and Traditional characters).
Her earlier book 'Fix your Life with NLP' was published by Simon & Schuster with foreign rights sold to Russia and India.
Her work is regularly featured in the media and she has written freelance articles for a variety of publications including The Sunday Times, The Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest. She has also provided expert commentary on many occasions for the BBC and Channel 4.
Alicia has twice been voted a winner in the Global Health & Pharma Mental Health Awards which are judged by an independent academic panel. In 2023, she was voted ‘Most Innovative Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner’ and in 2024 voted best ‘Youth Therapy Practitioner’.
“I recognise I’ve had many unique experiences in my education and training - too much for one person to keep to themselves as a secret, which is why I’ve written so much over the years.”
“Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days is a very good book. I have found it to be clear and effective and indeed recommend it to a number of my patients.”
-Dr Anne Wright, Lead Consultant, Children’s Bladder Clinic, Evelina Hospital, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Havening Techniques (trained by Dr Steve Ruden and Dr Ron Ruden in Los Angeles)
Mindfulness training – Oxford University Mindfulness Centre: Teaching Mindfulness in Non-clinical Settings; Teaching Mindfulness to Groups.
Self-harming training with Young Minds charity.
Empowering Learning specialist training for dyslexia, spelling, reading, and memory.
National Centre for Eating Disorders training for eating disorders, binge-eating and childhood obesity.
Coaching skills – personally coached and trained by Michael Neill (author of best-selling ‘Supercoach’).
Senior Qualification awarded by General Hypnotherapy Standards Council
Alicia’s Qualifications, Studies & Trainings
AMI trained Montessori Teacher
Fully qualified Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counsellor
MSc Developmental Psychology
Licensed Trainer of NLP – Society of NLP
Advanced NLP Therapeutic Specialist and Master NLP Practitioner licensed by the Society of NLP. (Trained by Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna — as well as Assistant to Paul McKenna on his seminars for several years.)
Thought Field Therapy Practitioner (Roger Callahan’s TFT Association
You can work with Alicia in the following ways
Choose from one of the options below:
Online Programme
The MyDryBed™ programme is a self-paced online course, divided into three levels with short video episodes and the average length is 10-15 minutes. You'll discover the practical lifestyle changes that can make a big difference; how to solve anxiety and emotional challenges and learn unique psychological exercises that will help you to take control of your bladder more easily.
One-to-one Consultations
Personal time with me is the next step up from my online programme. It’s possible to book a private consultation with me in my Harley Street clinic in London, where evening or weekend appointments are also available.
If coming to London is not possible for you, then we can arrange an online call via Zoom and I can accommodate different time zones.
As well as tailored advice to your specific problem, we can also use our time together to solve related issues such as anxiety and stress.
When we start working together, I usually recommend a bit longer than the usual one-hour session.
The type of therapy that I offer for anxiety issues can give quick results so our time together may be brief with your problem solved in just a couple of sessions - sometimes even just one session is enough to help you turn the corner. Bedwetting can take a bit longer which is why I recommend my online programme as back-up or my monthly coaching options.
Personalised Monthly Coaching
This is an individualised programme that provides accountability, support and guidance for your teenager for one whole month.
You have the additional option of an in-person session in London, before we start our online package of sessions. This is useful if you feel anxiety plays a big part in your teenager’s life.
With this monthly coaching option, I’ll meet with your teenager twice a week via Zoom and at the same time they’ll also follow my online programme. I’ll be tracking their progress and ensure things are going well. There’s always an option for an additional call should there be a bit of a crisis.
I also include two Zoom calls for parents and we’ll be in regular email contact throughout. I’ll be giving you progress updates, extra advice and tips on how to manage things at your end.
Bespoke Service
This is a tailor-made service to accommodate your needs and so I can only work like this with a few families each year.
We’ll work closely together for a minimum of six weeks and I can accommodate foreign travel, consultations at home, school visits as well as an out-of-hours and weekend service.
I know how difficult it can be to solve a bedwetting problem and so a ‘hands-on’ approach from a professional may be just what you need. We’ll get to know each other well during our time together and so it’s likely I’ll become more of a family therapist to you all, solving other problems along the way.
As well as tackling the bedwetting problem, you’ll have the benefit of my experience and expert advice across the board - including medical and educational. I can arrange appointments for blood tests, nutrition/dietary advice, physiotherapy, educational, dyslexia and ADHD support. I have a very good contact list and will give you the benefit of my extensive knowledge, in order to solve all your problems.
We’ll have an initial interview to discuss how this could work for you and to see if we’re a good fit for each other. Please email me if you are interested in this service HERE.