Everything you need to know to stop bedwetting for good.
Alicia is regularly featured in the press
Bedwetting advice for teenagers & young adults
If you’re a teenager or young adult who still wets the bed at night, this could be happening to you for a number of reasons so it’s good to take a bit of time to think about how best to solve this problem.
Enuresis is the medical term for bedwetting and there are two types - primary and secondary. Yours will be called ‘primary’ if you’ve had this problem since childhood and there seems to be no clinical reason for it - you just haven’t outgrown the problem as you were expecting you would.
If your bedwetting has started recently and it’s taken you by surprise, then this is called ‘secondary’ enuresis. There may be a reason why it’s suddenly started happening so do tell your parent or caregiver about it. Your bedwetting problem could, for example, be caused by a urinary tract infection and after a quick visit to the doctor, this can be easily cleared up with a short course of antibiotics. Once you’ve taken these, you’ll be back to having dry beds.
Is my bedwetting caused by food or drinks:
Bedwetting can also be caused by eating certain foods or drinks. Have you been drinking lots of energy drinks recently, for example? These contain lots of sugar and caffeine so it’s best to avoid them if you’re having wet beds.
It’s also a good idea to think about whether you could be constipated as this can also cause bedwetting. Do you make sure you’re drinking lots of water during the day as this will make things better. I recommend carrying a water bottle around with you to make sure you’re keeping your fluid levels up.
Is anxiety the issue?
Stress or anxiety, perhaps due to school work, exams, a house move or friendship problems could be a factor in bedwetting. So if your problem has come on suddenly, have a think about whether these sorts of reasons might play a part.
Having said that, most of the teenagers that I’ve worked with are happy, confident, successful individuals - they just happen to have a bedwetting problem, that’s all.
We know that anxiety doesn’t specifically cause bedwetting but having night-time accidents causes a sense of dread and it’s this feeling of apprehension that causes an increase of stress chemicals in the body and a loss of muscle control.
The MyDryBed programme teaches you how to use the Tapping Technique, which is a type of psycho-sensory therapy. These are becoming widely recognised as being highly effective for treating anxiety.
Is deep sleeping the problem?
It’s often said that deep, deep sleeping is the reason behind many bedwetting problems because you simply can’t wake yourself up to go to the bathroom - but the story is more complicated than that. If you were really sleeping deeply, your body would naturally reduce the amount of urine that it produces. All too often, there’s too much activity still going on in the mind - you’re not getting a good night’s sleep that’s for sure.
Some experts believe that bedwetting falls into the category of ‘parasomnia’ which includes conditions such as nightmares, night terrors, sleep talking, sleep walking, bruxism (teeth grinding), snoring and even sleep eating, where the fridge can raided at night time with the person having no recollection of their behaviour in the morning!
Meditation and hypnosis are highly effective at slowing down all this electrical activity in the brain at night-time to give you a better night’s sleep and the MyDryBed programme includes several recordings for this reason.
Habits & Mindset
One of the most overlooked reasons for a bedwetting problem is that quite simply, it’s become a habit.
Thanks to the developments in the field of neuroscience, we have a much better understanding about how our minds make habits – and more importantly, how to change them.
Over the years, your body has become so accustomed to emptying your bladder at night time, it’s pretty much operating on autopilot. It’s almost as if your bedwetting habit has been ‘tattooed’ onto your subconscious mind.
Once this happens, it doesn’t matter how hard you try to stop it, it’s going to take a special type of approach to fix this.
Think back to the last time you got a new mobile phone or computer. To begin with it probably felt a bit strange to use it. You had to think about what you were doing - you were using your conscious mind.
Pretty soon though, you got the hang of how to use it and now you know exactly what to do without needing to give it a second thought - it’s as if you’re on ‘auto-pilot’. You’re using your subconscious mind. You’ve created a habit.
This is a very clever thing that our mind does for us. It’s so we can free up the thinking part of our mind and concentrate on other things.
But here’s the catch…
Because your mind is so good at downloading habits and behaviours and making them automatic, it can unfortunately download unwanted habits too - and these become patterns of behaviour that are hard to stop.
This can also happen with a bedwetting problem - you’ve repeated it so many times now that your body does it automatically. It doesn’t matter how much you think about it consciously, you just can’t seem to stop it. Your subconscious mind is running the show.
After a while, you will naturally start to feel anxious about your bedwetting problem and of course, we know that worrying can make it worse. As your body releases those stress chemicals, the more your bladder wants to empty.
Now you’re going round in circles - the harder you try to stop and the more you think about it, the more wet beds you seem to have.

‘My Dry Bed’ is the online programme that helps you solve this problem using behaviour change psychology. Once you get your mind thinking in the right way, you’ll be able to stop your bedwetting habit for good.
The MyDryBed programme is based on Alicia Eaton’s international bestselling book “Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days”, regularly recommended by NHS Clinics and UK hospitals.
“Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days is a very good book. I have found it to be clear and effective and indeed recommend it to a number of my patients.”
You can work with Alicia in the following ways
Choose from one of the options below:
The MyDryBed™ programme is a self-paced online course, divided into three levels with short video episodes and the average length is 10-15 minutes. You'll discover the practical lifestyle changes that can make a big difference; how to solve anxiety and emotional challenges and learn unique psychological exercises that will help you to take control of your bladder more easily.
Pounds Sterling - £227
US Dollars - $287
Not sure how to get started? Book in with me for a one-hour parenting call using Zoom. Once we’ve discussed the problem through, I’ll give you my advice on how to move forward along with strategies to use at home with your family.
An in-person session in London is also possible and this is ideal if your child is suffering from an issue such as anxiety or bedwetting. I usually include parents in my sessions so you can watch and learn from me. We work together as a team.
If in-person is not possible, we can work on Zoom instead.
Online virtual 1-hour parenting call: £250
In-person in London: £350
Longer coaching options are also available
As well as my 30-day breakthrough programme, I’m available to help and support you on a longer 3-month basis.
Your teenager’s bedwetting problem will have been going on for some time, so it’s understandable that you might feel you’d all benefit from more than just a dry bed. Issues such as anxiety and a lack of confidence can also be solved when we have more time.
I’ll also be on hand for you, offering practical strategies, reassurance and expert advice, helping you to become a more confident parent
One month Breakthrough - £1,750
Three months Coaching - £4,500
Bespoke Service
This is a very tailor-made services to accommodate all your needs and so I can only work like this with a few families each year.
We’ll work closely together for a minimum of six weeks and I can accommodate foreign travel, consultations at home, school visits as well as an out-of-hours and weekend service.
I know how difficult it can be to solve a bedwetting problem and so a ‘hands-on’ approach from a professional may be just what you need. We’ll get to know each other well during our time together and so it’s likely I’ll become more of a family therapist to you all, solving other problems along the way.
As well as tackling the bedwetting problem, you’ll have the benefit of my experience and expert advice across the board - including medical and educational. I can arrange appointments for blood tests, nutrition/dietary advice, physiotherapy, educational, dyslexia and ADHD support. I have a very good contact list and will give you the benefit of my extensive knowledge, in order to solve all your problems.
We’ll have an initial interview to discuss how this could work for you and to see if we’re a good fit for each other. Please email me if you are interested in this service HERE.
These will vary depending on your family’s individual needs and requirements.