The Bedwetting solution for Teenagers and Young Adults

Stay dry… Sleep better… Live confidently…

young guy waking up in the morning

Are you still wishing, waiting, hoping for your bedwetting to go away?

Girls sleepover after college

Do you long to feel confident and happy on sleepovers?

Young Adult Woman in bed

Is your bedwetting problem making you feel exhausted and miserable?

Hey there, I'm Alicia,

Bedwetting isn’t just for little kids - it can affect teenagers and young adults, too. Whether it’s impacting your confidence, social life or daily routines, it can feel isolating and frustrating to deal with.

You’ve tried hiding it, managing it and hoping it will go away, but nothing seems to work and it’s holding you back.

As a Behaviour Change Therapist and author of the best-selling book ‘Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days’ recommended by NHS hospital clinics and doctors all around the world, I understand that this problem is about so much more than just a pile wet bed sheets.

It’s time to break free from bedwetting for good.

 ‘My Dry Bed’® is my new online programme that addresses both emotional and behavioural aspects of this habit using psychological techniques

The My Dry Bed® online programme works on three levels:

LEVEL TWO - Emotional Support

Bedwetting often brings emotional challenges, as anxiety thrives on embarrassment, failure, and shame. This naturally leads to apprehension, affecting the nervous system and muscle control.

You’ll learn how to solve this and overcome anxiety for good. You’ll gain a better understanding of how your mind really works too.

LEVEL ONE - Lifestyle Changes

Discover the practical steps and the healthy changes I recommend to boost your chances of success.

Learn about enuresis types, when to seek medical advice, foods and drinks to avoid, toilet habits to monitor, and tips for better sleep.

You’ll also get a Food Diary, Toilet Guide, Journal, and guided meditations to support your sleep cycle and keep you on track.


Anything you do over and over again becomes a habit, that imprints onto your subconscious mind. That’s why it’s important to use strategies targeting this part of your brain.

My methods use cutting-edge psychological techniques—the same tools top athletes rely on to succeed.

Guided meditations and hypnosis downloads will calm your mind, retrain your sleep habits and a brand new habit of dry beds will be established.

Meet Alicia and learn more about her work

Could Anxiety be a contributing factor?

What is the My Dry Bed programme?

Alicia is regularly featured in the press